Blitz (372/640)

From:Jake Frederick
Date:10 Sep 99 at 16:39:09
Subject:Re: Amiga really is dead after all!

On 10-Sep-99, James L Boyd wrote:
> Hi all,
> It's (nearly) official : Amiga is dead...

I'm sick of this. The Amiga community has been fucked around long enough. Why
do we stand for this crap? We have a pool of some of the most creative,
enthusiastic, and perserverent computer users on the planet, why do we let
companies dick us around like this? Chances are that if you use an Amiga you
are involved in some process of creation be it programming, graphics, music,
hardware hacking or whatever. Why don't we use these skills and create
something ourselves rather than blindly following the promises of some
coorperate giant who sees the Amiga only as an opportunity to cash in on a
legendary name rather than the tightly knit community that it really is. WE
kept this machine alive, we being the hardware developers, software
developers, artists, musicians, and users who spent our hard earned cash on
high priced, often dated accessories simply because we refused to follow the
pack and settle for anything less than what we wanted. I don't have a
solution, but I am certain that it's up to us to take things into our own
hands if we are to see this community survive. If anyone feels as strongly
about this as I do please contact me so we can discuss options. The greatest
revolutions are people who are fed up with their situation and truly want
not dictators with blind followers.

-If the doors of perception were cleansed everything would appear to man as it
truly is, infinite.-

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